Customized Cakes Karachi


Kindly scroll down to read the FAQs for ordering Customized Cakes in Karachi.

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Q. How can I know the exact price of my customized cake?

A. Prices for Customized Cakes will be communicated on call within 24 hours after your order is received.

Q. I want to know approximate and minimum price for customized cake.

A. On average, normal customized cakes cost Rs. 6000, excluding delivery charges if you opt for delivery. Please note, these are average prices of normal customized cakes, and not for ‘Specialty Cakes‘.

Q. I need my customized cake in Karachi tomorrow. Can you help me with that?

A. We need at least 48 hours margin to accept your order for customized cakes. We will inform you within 24 hours regarding your order confirmation. If you are short on time, please contact our customer service representative via Fb Messenger, Call or Email , and she might schedule your cake urgently if there is availability.

Q. I want to upload more than 1 Reference Picture. How to do that?

A. To Upload more than one Reference Picture,  please zip your pictures and then upload. To zip many pictures together, just select them all and right click, hover on ‘send to’, and then click ‘compressed’. A new folder will show up which contains all your pictures. Upload this new Zipped / Compressed folder. Alternatively, you can also email us your pics and give reference of your order number to track.

Q. I want to order more than one customized cake in Karachi. Is there a way for that?

A. We suggest you start with filling the details for your first cake and press ‘Add To Cart’. Then choose ‘Customize Cakes’ again and fill the details for the second cake and so on. After you are done, press the cart icon on the top left (top right in laptop), and ‘Checkout’. You can also add Customized Cupcakes and Customized Cookies, Cake Pops & Cakesicles to complement your event.


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